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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pregnant cats, and How to take care the pregnant cats

Pregnant cats, and How to take care it

How will you know when your cat is pregnant?

The first thing to notice is the pregnant cat will eat up more than ever and there will be a lot of higher weight. Pregnancy until after 35 days (a cat is pregnant for 63 days) you will notice that the abdomen and breasts expand significantly. During this period, the veterinarian should make sure that your cat is pregnant or not. Veterinary checks by abdominal palpation. If it is real pregnant. It was found that the uterus is enlarged. The embryo is inside like clot separated by a distance. When you find that your cat is pregnant. You will need to prepare to take care of your cat in various fields even the food and health.
At around day 50 of pregnancy. Cat will start producing milk out. If you try to squeeze the nipple, you will found milk flow out from the enlarged nipples which is pink and red. It will be about 2-3 days before birth. During pregnant time of mother cat. The owner should keep the integrity of the mother cat as well. For example, checking that the hair should be shiny, not loss easily, plump fat shape, Not fat only stomach. The food that the mother cat eat must be in proper nutrition,vitamins and minerals intact and enough for it's baby.

Although cat is pregnancy, it should not be taken good care too. Should allow for some exercise in order to strengthen vaginal muscles and reduce excess weight, too.
Normally the pregnant cat will recognize the self-assessment, will not overdo exercise too much already so you do not have to worry too. But when near birth period come. You should control the mother cat to get many relaxing. Should be a light exercise such as walking ,that is enough. During the three days before the birth should refrain from excessive exercise since it will affect the baby.

Another important thing is medication for cats that are pregnant. What can or not. Or may be harmful to the child in her womb or not. If unsure, consult a veterinarian beforehand. Example for drugs should be avoided for pregnant cats are Aspirin, paracetamol, anti-allergy pills, Antibiotics such as Tetracycline, Kanamycin, Streptomycin, All kind of Sulfa ,Hormones and narcotics and so on.

How to know whether cat is pregnant or not.

  1. Nipples are pink and more red since the third week of the pregnant including the breast start growing.
  2. The weight of the mother cat will be an additional 1-2 kg depending on the number of babies in the stomach as well.
  3. The size of the stomach that is enlarge and left sagging.
  4. The behavior of the mother start such as finding out the nest. Take care of itself more. Reduce the caper. Eat up. Etc.
The pregnant period of cat is nine weeks or 63 days. Before birth, the owner should consult a veterinarian about the health of the mother cat. Take the necessary vaccinations and parasite.

Things to remember for taking care of pregnant cat

  1. Give the high-quality food.
    • Quality food, complete balance.
    • Foods high in protein (milk, eggs).
  2. Feed all day, 3-4 times.
  3. Multivitamin and mineral supplements are necessary. Consult a veterinarian before using it.
  4. Perform pregnancy checking when pregnant was approximately in half way.
    • To confirm of pregnant.
    • To check Health.
    • May be performed by the ultrasound which is in the discretion of the veterinarian.
  5. Should let it exercise regularly but closely monitor.
  6. Avoid unnecessary medicines.
  7. Preparing the nest and place of birth.
  8. The study of texts, I know where it is necessary Hmatmą¹i.
  9. Prepare the equipment ready.
  10. Contingency planning, if not born how to do. Prepare veterinarian's phone number in case emergency.
  11. Refrain from intensive exercise 3 days before birth.


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