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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to raise a kitten

How to raise a kitten
Raising orphaned kittens need to have a daily schedule of the right foods. Excretion, play and sleep. It must be in a good environment. To succeed in raising the kitten must consider to 

Nutrition and weaning. 
Kittens can get the milk serum in 12 hours. Kitten will absorb immune serum during the first 24 hours after birth .If the mother's cat cannot feed her kitten, kitten have to suckle from the bottle or dropper that can be found.

Feeding tube, Providers must be trained well. Because food may be entered into the lungs inadvertently result in unconsciousness. Feeding tubes are vulnerable. Allowed only in a weak kitten which is under the doctor's advice. Should pat the cat to burp during feeding and after meals by passing by the shoulder with the upright and gently pat on the back. Feeding from a bottle or a lamp needs to be done carefully to prevent pneumonia or aspiration of water in the first 24-28 hours. Kittens need milk 1 ml per hour. Each day increased from 0.5 ml to 10 ml per day and then stop. In 1-day kittens should be fed 6-9 meals.

During the 2 weeks should feed kittens 5-7 ml per time.  Week 3 : Start feeding the baby three times a day and still feeding from a bottle. Week 4: Kittens should receive milk from the bottle 4-6 times a day together with meals 4-5 times per day. Reduce feeding during the night. Kittens can eat solid food at age 7 weeks. The first signs of illness is weight loss. The weight of the kittens will be increased 50-100 grams per week. When the cat age 14 day, weight will increase to 2 times of their birth weight. If the kitten is over weight ,shouldn't add food.

Newborn kitten is unable to control excretion  because the muscles do not grow. Kittens must be stimulated by using a soft towel. Moistened with warm water and pat the anal area. The cat will  feces within 1-2 minutes. Usually, kittens under 21 days can excrete their own waste. Keep notice the urine and feces of cats. Normal urine should be pale yellow or clear. If it is dark yellow or orange means kittens don't get enough foods. Normal stools are pale or dark brown. Green stool indicates an infectious disease. If the stool is very hard means it was fed too much each times but not frequently which can cause breathing discomfort, bloating and gas.

Temperature and humidity. 
Newborn kittens can not maintain body heat or vibration to the heat so need to have something heat to them like oven, water heater which is designed for newborn animals that can help maintaining proper body temperature and should be careful that heat should not be too high. Should have a thermometer in the area to observe the temperature. In the first week the temperature should be 85-90 degrees, humidity 55-65%. 3 weeks to reduce the temperature to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Please notice, if the kittens come together show it's cold. If the kitten is in different corner, it's too the hot. Kitten with a low body temperature should warm slowly within 2-3 hours till the kittens have a normal body temperature 97 degrees Fahrenheit. Should be kept moist by using a damp towel over the cat box will increase the humidity. Should not raised kittens in a damp or decay area because it will cause mold and respiratory diseases. Temperature control is more important than the humidity. Kittens should be located near the good surface such as  fleece blanket will help advance the movement of the kittens.

Diseases Prevention.
Kittens can be infected easily, such as disorders of the respiratory tract if not receive colostrum from the mother. Colostrum 24 hours after birth contains many antibodies which build immunity. Kittens that do not consume colostrum will have little immunity. The kittens should be vaccinated as well. Kitten could be harmed by the parasite so should shoot them out too. Start when the kittens are age of 6 weeks, and shoot again at the age of 8 and 10 weeks.

Maintenance and to society. 
We should pat, hug and play with the kitten for about 30-40 minutes per day besides feeding and cleaning. Kittens need stimulation so should lay the foundation for the kitten to sleep with soft materials. Kittens will feel warm and comfortable sleep. It is important to make the kitten as one of your home member in 3-6 weeks period. Remember that it is still young , must be handled carefully but need to start training to become familiar with the sounds , excretion ,strangers and other pets.


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