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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to bathe the cat

How to cleaning the cat

Bathing a cat

Cat do not want to bath, Some people might understand that because cats are very afraid the water. But, in fact. We can bathe a cat. To clean the oil from the skin to be expelled outside and when mixed with dust can cause dirt on the skin. The bath also helps to repel parasites and insects that bother them. It also makes a beautiful hair and it does not tangle. Especially the angora fur, so we should not bathe your cat 1 -2 times / month
Training a cat for bath. If do since a kitty ,it is more easier. The kittens may be started from the age of 14 weeks
If necessary. you may train before that time. But be careful about the cold. Before going into the water, should use cotton wool ear plugs to prevent water from entering. Use topical eye ,oil type for prevent debris, soap or shampoo into eyes.

Equipment, bathing a cat is not a hassle. You can find them in the household. You can use the bathtub or sink. Large foam blocks. A non-slip rubber flooring. Shower in the bath. And a towel to wipe cat.

The process of bathing. Gradually dipping into the water. With a hand carrying a leather collar. The other hand, gather the hind legs or the hip.
Cat will be caught to squat in the sink. Some may use front legs hang on sink edge. Meanwhile, dip the cat into the sink. You should talk to your cat to comfort to reduce cat panic. Water in sink should be worm. Then use a sponge dipped in water and then apply a coat to wet thoroughly. Do not use the tap water. Or injected it directly. It will make cat panic.

The next step is to purify a shampoo for cats. Or shampoo for children. The shampoo does not irritate the eyes. Then use a damp sponge to wipe the face and head. As well as ear cleaning. Alengm from the cat gently. Before you wipe it dry with a towel again. It should use a towel to absorb water. If have, use the hair dryer to allow hair to dry faster. But be aware that the sound of a hair dryer makes cat panic.

If your older cat. And never learned for bathing, it might not be familiar and may be struggling.Therefore, you may need some ways to help such as put it to the cloth bag but let the head came out and put shampoo into the bag. Then dip the bag into the sink. Head to clean later. Or you may find something for it to hang during a bath,may take a net mesh or a piece of wood that have a room for hang and use another hand to caught its collar so you will be safe from the cat's skin and nails.

Cleaning the ears

Most cat owners often neglect to clean the ears. Unless you did, Your cat will have itching ears, or smell. Cat owners should not let such incidents occur to the cat that you love.

Normally, nature will create a wax which is a type of fat to be used as a handle and push dirt and foreign matter from the ear and also being ear protection , so we should help remove wax, dirt and contaminants for cat ears at least once a month. By using a cotton swab dipped in ear solution or liquid paraffin wipe into the ear canal. Deeper than the visible range only. If it is deeper than that, The eardrum and may be dangerous.

In addition, we may use the sleeping of cat for helping. The cats tend to sleep by a tail rolled to the ear, so if we dip the tip of the tail with pesticides and mites will be able to get rid of ear mites. The drug will evaporate from the tip of the tail into the ear while cat sleep.

The cat's teeth

Natural cat's teeth begins at the age of 2-3 weeks, all are milk teeth ,total of 26 teeth which are no roots. The permanent teeth start to push out the milk teeth completely when cat is adult. The permanent teeth are 30 teeth.

Way to check cat's teeth health.

  1. Look at the plaque on the teeth and core of teeth ,See it or not.
  2. Gingival inflammation, edema, painful when touched or not.
  3. Is there excessive salivation. Or blood or pus present or not.
  4. Can not eat solid food. Despite his appetite or not.
  5. Found any smell of the mouth or not.
  6. Teeth shake loose or frayed.
  7. Sores or swelling of lips, cheeks or jaw area outside of the wound is chronic or not.

If you see these symptoms. Should take your cat to the veterinarian immediately.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to taking care for older cats

How to taking care for older cats

Monitoring the cat's age and symptoms of various diseases.
In general, we assume that the 12 year old cat is the older cat.
In the 12-15 year-old cat's behavior starts to change until you notice that the older cat will only sleep and sleep more than 18 hours per day.
When the cat is getting older ,Joints are stiff and movements are more difficult. It seems weak even licks clean the hair itself, it will be difficult. Gum disease and tooth, making eating difficult and can recognize the flavor of the food decreased. water eating will decrease so take risk of gallstones. Therefore, care must be given to cats special attention. Guidelines is. You need to set a bowl of water for multiple spot so that cat doesn't have to walk far to get water. Cleaning the mouth after eating food to prevent plaque. Wipe the ears, and brush them regularly.
However, Efforts to maintain the cat with the food, just like you would not be good practical. Such as excessive amounts of food to the cats, cats of all ages are obese and have other health problems as much more. You should provide food for cats. A soft food such as canned food will make cat get the nutrients and water simultaneously.
The important thing is. When your cat is approaching old. you have to take care closely everyday to notice the unusual thing that may occur. The most important at this age, you must not forget to take them to the veterinarian for checking health especially blood tests to detect abnormalities in body systems.

If the old cat seem to change many things about the functions of various systems in the body. May be caused by a change from the older. Or may be caused by the disease up which will help remind you earlier to know that cat is getting disease.

  1. Control diet. Whether to eat at any one time. What kind of food. Have difficulty eating orswallowing it. And vomiting or not.
  2. Control of water. See that the water is more or less than usual or not.
  3. Control of excretion of urine and feces. By looking at the color, volume, intensity, frequency of excretion.Or see if there is pain when urine or stool or not. Or that there is a drip or purge.
  4. Weighed every 2 months.
  5. Inspection and trimming nails. Check the wound track and smell disorders. The enlargement of the abdomen. And see if there are symptoms, hair loss or not.
  6. Control behavior. Sleeping. Expression of the people around you. Easily panic or not. And the appearance of sleep disorder or not.
  7. Control of posture and movement. Such as seizures or not. Loss of balance or legpain.
  8. Disorders of breathing. Or a cough. A gasp of breath. Sniff or not.
  9. Dental health care. Brushing your cat regularly. See if there is something wrong with her ​​or not. The amount of saliva. And the color of the gums that are pink, yellow or purple.
  10. Temperature of the environment that your cat is happy or not.
  11. Taken to check with your veterinarian on a regular basis.

Unbelievable, The husky dog can says "I love you", The talking dog.

Pregnant cats, and How to take care the pregnant cats

Pregnant cats, and How to take care it

How will you know when your cat is pregnant?

The first thing to notice is the pregnant cat will eat up more than ever and there will be a lot of higher weight. Pregnancy until after 35 days (a cat is pregnant for 63 days) you will notice that the abdomen and breasts expand significantly. During this period, the veterinarian should make sure that your cat is pregnant or not. Veterinary checks by abdominal palpation. If it is real pregnant. It was found that the uterus is enlarged. The embryo is inside like clot separated by a distance. When you find that your cat is pregnant. You will need to prepare to take care of your cat in various fields even the food and health.
At around day 50 of pregnancy. Cat will start producing milk out. If you try to squeeze the nipple, you will found milk flow out from the enlarged nipples which is pink and red. It will be about 2-3 days before birth. During pregnant time of mother cat. The owner should keep the integrity of the mother cat as well. For example, checking that the hair should be shiny, not loss easily, plump fat shape, Not fat only stomach. The food that the mother cat eat must be in proper nutrition,vitamins and minerals intact and enough for it's baby.

Although cat is pregnancy, it should not be taken good care too. Should allow for some exercise in order to strengthen vaginal muscles and reduce excess weight, too.
Normally the pregnant cat will recognize the self-assessment, will not overdo exercise too much already so you do not have to worry too. But when near birth period come. You should control the mother cat to get many relaxing. Should be a light exercise such as walking ,that is enough. During the three days before the birth should refrain from excessive exercise since it will affect the baby.

Another important thing is medication for cats that are pregnant. What can or not. Or may be harmful to the child in her womb or not. If unsure, consult a veterinarian beforehand. Example for drugs should be avoided for pregnant cats are Aspirin, paracetamol, anti-allergy pills, Antibiotics such as Tetracycline, Kanamycin, Streptomycin, All kind of Sulfa ,Hormones and narcotics and so on.

How to know whether cat is pregnant or not.

  1. Nipples are pink and more red since the third week of the pregnant including the breast start growing.
  2. The weight of the mother cat will be an additional 1-2 kg depending on the number of babies in the stomach as well.
  3. The size of the stomach that is enlarge and left sagging.
  4. The behavior of the mother start such as finding out the nest. Take care of itself more. Reduce the caper. Eat up. Etc.
The pregnant period of cat is nine weeks or 63 days. Before birth, the owner should consult a veterinarian about the health of the mother cat. Take the necessary vaccinations and parasite.

Things to remember for taking care of pregnant cat

  1. Give the high-quality food.
    • Quality food, complete balance.
    • Foods high in protein (milk, eggs).
  2. Feed all day, 3-4 times.
  3. Multivitamin and mineral supplements are necessary. Consult a veterinarian before using it.
  4. Perform pregnancy checking when pregnant was approximately in half way.
    • To confirm of pregnant.
    • To check Health.
    • May be performed by the ultrasound which is in the discretion of the veterinarian.
  5. Should let it exercise regularly but closely monitor.
  6. Avoid unnecessary medicines.
  7. Preparing the nest and place of birth.
  8. The study of texts, I know where it is necessary Hmatmą¹i.
  9. Prepare the equipment ready.
  10. Contingency planning, if not born how to do. Prepare veterinarian's phone number in case emergency.
  11. Refrain from intensive exercise 3 days before birth.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to raise a kitten

How to raise a kitten
Raising orphaned kittens need to have a daily schedule of the right foods. Excretion, play and sleep. It must be in a good environment. To succeed in raising the kitten must consider to 

Nutrition and weaning. 
Kittens can get the milk serum in 12 hours. Kitten will absorb immune serum during the first 24 hours after birth .If the mother's cat cannot feed her kitten, kitten have to suckle from the bottle or dropper that can be found.

Feeding tube, Providers must be trained well. Because food may be entered into the lungs inadvertently result in unconsciousness. Feeding tubes are vulnerable. Allowed only in a weak kitten which is under the doctor's advice. Should pat the cat to burp during feeding and after meals by passing by the shoulder with the upright and gently pat on the back. Feeding from a bottle or a lamp needs to be done carefully to prevent pneumonia or aspiration of water in the first 24-28 hours. Kittens need milk 1 ml per hour. Each day increased from 0.5 ml to 10 ml per day and then stop. In 1-day kittens should be fed 6-9 meals.

During the 2 weeks should feed kittens 5-7 ml per time.  Week 3 : Start feeding the baby three times a day and still feeding from a bottle. Week 4: Kittens should receive milk from the bottle 4-6 times a day together with meals 4-5 times per day. Reduce feeding during the night. Kittens can eat solid food at age 7 weeks. The first signs of illness is weight loss. The weight of the kittens will be increased 50-100 grams per week. When the cat age 14 day, weight will increase to 2 times of their birth weight. If the kitten is over weight ,shouldn't add food.

Newborn kitten is unable to control excretion  because the muscles do not grow. Kittens must be stimulated by using a soft towel. Moistened with warm water and pat the anal area. The cat will  feces within 1-2 minutes. Usually, kittens under 21 days can excrete their own waste. Keep notice the urine and feces of cats. Normal urine should be pale yellow or clear. If it is dark yellow or orange means kittens don't get enough foods. Normal stools are pale or dark brown. Green stool indicates an infectious disease. If the stool is very hard means it was fed too much each times but not frequently which can cause breathing discomfort, bloating and gas.

Temperature and humidity. 
Newborn kittens can not maintain body heat or vibration to the heat so need to have something heat to them like oven, water heater which is designed for newborn animals that can help maintaining proper body temperature and should be careful that heat should not be too high. Should have a thermometer in the area to observe the temperature. In the first week the temperature should be 85-90 degrees, humidity 55-65%. 3 weeks to reduce the temperature to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Please notice, if the kittens come together show it's cold. If the kitten is in different corner, it's too the hot. Kitten with a low body temperature should warm slowly within 2-3 hours till the kittens have a normal body temperature 97 degrees Fahrenheit. Should be kept moist by using a damp towel over the cat box will increase the humidity. Should not raised kittens in a damp or decay area because it will cause mold and respiratory diseases. Temperature control is more important than the humidity. Kittens should be located near the good surface such as  fleece blanket will help advance the movement of the kittens.

Diseases Prevention.
Kittens can be infected easily, such as disorders of the respiratory tract if not receive colostrum from the mother. Colostrum 24 hours after birth contains many antibodies which build immunity. Kittens that do not consume colostrum will have little immunity. The kittens should be vaccinated as well. Kitten could be harmed by the parasite so should shoot them out too. Start when the kittens are age of 6 weeks, and shoot again at the age of 8 and 10 weeks.

Maintenance and to society. 
We should pat, hug and play with the kitten for about 30-40 minutes per day besides feeding and cleaning. Kittens need stimulation so should lay the foundation for the kitten to sleep with soft materials. Kittens will feel warm and comfortable sleep. It is important to make the kitten as one of your home member in 3-6 weeks period. Remember that it is still young , must be handled carefully but need to start training to become familiar with the sounds , excretion ,strangers and other pets.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to clean dogs

Dog  Care
Dogs need to be taken care by the owner. Both in terms of hair care, bath care, general condition of the ears, eyes, nose and toenails. Including the health of the gums and teeth as well as exercise. To get a good meal. And received a medical examination by a veterinarian regularly. 

To clean dog face.
1. To clean the eye. Use a clean cotton ball moistened with water, wring them dry clean eyes edge. Use a cotton ball for each eye. And if if found your dog have gum in the eye or inflamed eyes. Veterinary advice should be.
2. To clean the ear canal. Should be treated at least once a week. Using a cotton ball moistened with warm water. Dog ear cleaning solution for cleaning the ear and ear canal niche. Use cotton wool for each ear. If the inflammation, stop cleaning immediately and consult a veterinarian.
3. Clean and folded corrugated before. Get rid of dead skin cells and bacteria, which cause irritation and infection.

Oral health care.
Veterinarians can provide the right toothpaste for dogs .Do not use human toothpaste for dogs.
1. Should check dental health and for sure that dog doesn't have the problem about gum or dental plaque that cause of gum Inflammation.
2. Brush your dog's teeth smoothly. Should use Soft fur brush.
    May use saline dilution or  toothpaste for dogs 

Cutting nails
Do not cut them down to where it is pink because of the blood and nerve to raise it call nail bed or quick, if you are not sure ,should ask Veterinarians  to cut the nails of the dog.  
1. Take the dog's finger separately. And check the finger.Wipe dirt and dead skin cells with a cotton swab.
2. Cut nails with care. Sharpen the end of the nail completely. If the dog has finger protrusion,cut the nail there too.

Care, skin and hair.
Objectives in the care of skin and hair of dogs are 2 things. 
One is for hairs and skin as well as the gums, teeth and nails of your dog healthy. Two is to training dog to obey commands or reminders and agree  that the owner is predominance. When the dog allows you to care for skin and hairs.
should be rewarded by touching or petting it only. But sometimes give it the foods.
If the dog refuses to take care of the skin and hairs, Need to issue an order forcing the dog to sit or stand still.
Some large species such as DoBerman and Grade Dane which have short and smooth
hairs. They may be stiff hair-like needles which is placed through the skin with a pressure of dogs
while lying down such as elbows and legs.  These sensitive areas should use a shampoo and conditioning to keep hairs soft and protected inflammation of the skin.

To brush the dog with a smooth coat.
1. The dog with a smooth coat, like breed Boxer, would not need care too much. Should brush twice a week 1-2 times.
The first step should always use rubber gloves, brush, brush the hair backward. To eliminate the hairs that have expired, as well as dirt on the skin.
2. The removal of dead skin and using a brush to brush all the fur. From head to tail. Skin conditioning cream may be applied to the hair look shiny.
3. Polish hairs quickly with Chamois cloth to make the hairs look shiny.
    Dogs with a smooth coat is easiest for Skin and hairs care and make it look better by do it regularly.

To brush the dog with short hairs.
1. Dogs with short hairs and thick should be cared regularly and use special brush called slicker for helping them not stick together.
2. Brush all over with a feather brush to get rid of expired hairs and dirt stuck. Meanwhile brush the dog, what to do together is to check whether there' re any ticks and fleas or other disorders or not.
3. Use fine tooth comb brush of the tail and legs. Using scissors trim the disorders hairs out.

To brush the dog hair like silk. 
1. Use slicker brush and comb clutter hair. To comb hair cohesion must be done carefully. Do not pull out until tearing.
2. Brush again with the wool brush to make hair shine. The brush should not be interrupted. 
3. Scanned along the mid-back hair, then comb the hair straight down each side. Trim with scissors to make it orderly.
4. Trim the hair around the ears and feet and nails as well. 
5.Long hairs above the eyes should be clipped out or collect a ribbon or bow.

The furry dog brush species such as Colli.
1.Use slicker brush and comb clutter hair. To comb hair cohesion must be done gently. 
Do not pull outor brush the hair until the dog is severely hurt.
2. Brush again with the pins brush. At this stage, should not have clutter hairs left.
3. Use shaft comb that wide tooth comb at a time. In particular, the furry legs.
4. Cut long hair around the feet, especially between the fingers. These are areas that tend to accumulate dirt and foreign matter.
   This will cause irritation.
5. Wrap the hair on the legs. To prevent tangling of the hair length, which is the accumulation of dirt and dead skin.

Hair care equipment.
Since each dog breed has a different hair style. The selection of equipment to care forhair so different. Depending on the nature and condition the hair of the dog. Dogs with short hair, smooth coat may just brush it with a normal brush and hound glove, while some require a knife to cut hair and trim the long hairs out.

Type of Brush for curry
1.Pin Brush, This is a brush that looks like a solid wire. For The long hairs dog such as Saluki, Afghan Hound

2.Slicker Brush, This is Light weight, soft bristles but it made from wire with a pointed tip, This brush is used to comb curly wavy hair that looks like a poodle.

3.Bristle Brush, This is soft bristles brush. For dogs, the hair is straight and shiny hair is like York,

4.Hound Glove, This brush like a glove to wear. For dogs that have smooth hair like Chivava

Type of Dog’s Comb
1.Half Fine / Half Coarse Comb, This comb has the one side is the solid wire and the other side is teeth comb away, This comb is for general dogs.

2.De-Matting Comb, This comb has long and width teeth, Made for curly hairs those stick. 

   Frequency Skin care and currying will make good health skin and hairs but this is not enough, The dog need to take a bath also if it has a bad smell, more than this, the take a bath will kill some type of outside parasites and condition the dry skin or oil skin, Veterinary may suggest to use medicine shampoo and hairs conditioner cream that perfect to your dog, If you want the perfect result from shampoo and cream, you must do forward the developer suggestion,  
   Residues shampoo will make irritation to dog and Dog may be scratching their wounds, Between take a bath, You may use the collar for protect it jump out the bath and you may use insulator in the bath for protect the dog slip.

How to bathe the dog.

1. After brushing the dog, put a wad into the dog's ear. Then put the dog standing in the bath. Using a rubber base. Dog collars hand, then use warm water gradually. Pour onto a dog.

2. Using shampoo for dogs or shampoos that do not irritate the eyes, bleaching the entire body. Except for the head, keep the dog firmly to prevent slipping or jumping out of water necessary. Back rub, massage, shampoo, hair and lather. Be careful the shampoo splash into the dog.

3. The head of the shampoo does not irritate the eyes, only action. Grooming and massage gently. Be careful not to splash water and lather shampoo into the dog's mouth.

4. Washing shampoo, rinse and dry the head area out first. Then wash shampoo on neck and body. This is how to prevent your dog flick the water.

5. Rinse out shampoo with warm water again. If necessary, a conditioning shampoos. Massage hair and wash out.

6. Alengm squeeze the hair stuck out as much as possible. Then use the large towel to wipe the dog dry. Then, the wheat ear in the ear and wipe dry.

7. Dogs with perfect skin may take a hair dryer to dry hair. The average temperature and brush in the direction away from dog’s body. For dogs with irritation hair should abstain because Heat will make more the irritation.
After bathe, the dog is running around excitedly. Be careful not to allow the dog to roll over on the floor is dirty. And try to create a smell like environment to mix with these things.
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