How to cleaning the cat

Bathing a cat
Cat do not want to bath, Some people might understand that because cats are very afraid the water. But, in fact. We can bathe a cat. To clean the oil from the skin to be expelled outside and when mixed with dust can cause dirt on the skin. The bath also helps to repel parasites and insects that bother them. It also makes a beautiful hair and it does not tangle. Especially the angora fur, so we should not bathe your cat 1 -2 times / monthTraining a cat for bath. If do since a kitty ,it is more easier. The kittens may be started from the age of 14 weeks
If necessary. you may train before that time. But be careful about the cold. Before going into the water, should use cotton wool ear plugs to prevent water from entering. Use topical eye ,oil type for prevent debris, soap or shampoo into eyes.
Equipment, bathing a cat is not a hassle. You can find them in the household. You can use the bathtub or sink. Large foam blocks. A non-slip rubber flooring. Shower in the bath. And a towel to wipe cat.
The process of bathing. Gradually dipping into the water. With a hand carrying a leather collar. The other hand, gather the hind legs or the hip.
Cat will be caught to squat in the sink. Some may use front legs hang on sink edge. Meanwhile, dip the cat into the sink. You should talk to your cat to comfort to reduce cat panic. Water in sink should be worm. Then use a sponge dipped in water and then apply a coat to wet thoroughly. Do not use the tap water. Or injected it directly. It will make cat panic.
The next step is to purify a shampoo for cats. Or shampoo for children. The shampoo does not irritate the eyes. Then use a damp sponge to wipe the face and head. As well as ear cleaning. Alengm from the cat gently. Before you wipe it dry with a towel again. It should use a towel to absorb water. If have, use the hair dryer to allow hair to dry faster. But be aware that the sound of a hair dryer makes cat panic.
If your older cat. And never learned for bathing, it might not be familiar and may be struggling.Therefore, you may need some ways to help such as put it to the cloth bag but let the head came out and put shampoo into the bag. Then dip the bag into the sink. Head to clean later. Or you may find something for it to hang during a bath,may take a net mesh or a piece of wood that have a room for hang and use another hand to caught its collar so you will be safe from the cat's skin and nails.
Cleaning the ears
Most cat owners often neglect to clean the ears. Unless you did, Your cat will have itching ears, or smell. Cat owners should not let such incidents occur to the cat that you love.
Normally, nature will create a wax which is a type of fat to be used as a handle and push dirt and foreign matter from the ear and also being ear protection , so we should help remove wax, dirt and contaminants for cat ears at least once a month. By using a cotton swab dipped in ear solution or liquid paraffin wipe into the ear canal. Deeper than the visible range only. If it is deeper than that, The eardrum and may be dangerous.
In addition, we may use the sleeping of cat for helping. The cats tend to sleep by a tail rolled to the ear, so if we dip the tip of the tail with pesticides and mites will be able to get rid of ear mites. The drug will evaporate from the tip of the tail into the ear while cat sleep.
The cat's teeth
Natural cat's teeth begins at the age of 2-3 weeks, all are milk teeth ,total of 26 teeth which are no roots. The permanent teeth start to push out the milk teeth completely when cat is adult. The permanent teeth are 30 teeth.
Way to check cat's teeth health.
- Look at the plaque on the teeth and core of teeth ,See it or not.
- Gingival inflammation, edema, painful when touched or not.
- Is there excessive salivation. Or blood or pus present or not.
- Can not eat solid food. Despite his appetite or not.
- Found any smell of the mouth or not.
- Teeth shake loose or frayed.
- Sores or swelling of lips, cheeks or jaw area outside of the wound is chronic or not.
If you see these symptoms. Should take your cat to the veterinarian immediately.
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